Yesterday was Stella's birthday, the big 2. She was sitting in the kitchen enjoying her birthday ice cream cone. We never watch the local news, but we were trying to track the storms that were heading in from TN and Western NC. I went out back to pick up a few of Stella's toys from the yard, James went upstairs to turn the computer off. All we could see to the West was an ominous sky creeping closer and closer. I went to the door leading to the garage to make sure the dogs were in there and lower the garage door. When I looked out, I could see the gravel from our long, windy driveway flying towards the house. Our house is covered in huge windows, so I pushed Stella's highchair inbetween the dishwasher and the pantry wall, the lights were flickering on and off, she was getting upset, no longer eating her icecream cone. I see her watching the trees outside, they were sideways in the wind. All we could hear is the wind and the hail pelting the house. James could barely see out the windows of the sunroom. "Holy Schnikies" shit started flying all over the place outside!! My two newest chicken houses have been in the front yard, one has been housing a few baby chicks. One house flew about 40 feet and crashed into a tree, the other flipped over, hit our house and crashed down on the satellite dish. James ran out to catch the four chicks that were running in circles after their house flew off of their heads. He got them all on the porch which is where they stayed until we carried them down to the egg house.
After 5 or 6 minutes of this, the wind died and the hail changed to rain. All we saw outside were sheets of metal wrapped around trees, the roof to one of the chicken houses showed up in the back yard. All the llamas made it to their carport. Good thing since a tree speared through their other shelter. That is the shelter that has the llama chute attached to shear wool. A tree near the old farmhouse fell over the fence and flattened a storage shed that held gardening supplies, equestrian tack, and hay. The rabbit habitat I've been building for Stella got destroyed. Planters and potted pepper plants are gone...
We have family coming into town for Stella's birthday this weekend, I am expecting 27 baby chicks to be delivered in 10 days, I am 8 months pregnant, it's 94 degrees everyday...
But it will all get done. We think we can salvage all the materials to use for something or another. We are thankful that the house is fine, all animals are accounted for, and no heavy equipment or uninsured equipment was damaged.
Just another day on the farm, right? Cheers
Did you see the witch fly by on the bicycle? Hope the swing and swing set are ok. Wow Stella knows how to have an exciting birthday. See you soon.