We never run out of things to do on the farm. James' Mom was in town from Louisiana last week which gave me a chance to get outside without worrying about the girls.
The Naked Neck Chickens are getting bigger as we get close to processing time. They should be ready by late September. I pulled four hens and one rooster and set them up in the brooder house. Next time I won't have to order chicks, we can produce them ourselves. We can also get great eggs from these hens when we don't need baby chicks. Since the fox got most of our hens from the Big House, we only get two little eggs each day. It felt a little strange the day that I separated the five for the brooder house, "Which ones will I choose to not be eaten..."
We have also planted an orchard, a small one. Up on the hill in front of the house we now have two dwarf sweet cherry, one dwarf black cherry, one regular sized tart cherry, one pear tree, one pomegranate tree, one fig tree, one thornless blackberry. We have blueberry bushes in the front yard near the house. Next year I will add to the orchard. I found an old lady named Hazel who grows all types of fruit trees, herbs, peppers, evergreens. Our two grapevines in the "vineyard" are doing well, we should get a ton of grapes next year!
The Big House (chickens, ducks) is looking pretty bad these days. We need to get it fixed up before the Winter months arrive. We also need to extend the pigs area while the weather is cool but before Winter.
I was also able to get down there and mend some of the fencing in the pig pen while Sandy was here. Thanks Sandy!! The piglets should be ready to pick up in October. We plan to get get females from Tapsalteerie Farm. That's where we bought our last two pigs. In addition, we plan to find a Boar to breed the females.
Speaking of the pigs, I have been busy curing bacon and grinding sausage. I've been playing around with all different flavors. Bacon has been, brown sugar maple, black peppercorn mustard seed, and white pepper cumin! Yumm! As for the sausage, I have made chorizo, stuffed pepper mixture, French garlic, and garlic sage. Remember all the garlic I grew last Winter? It's all going to good use in the sausage recipes.
James tilled up the garden and we have started the Fall planting. Cauliflower has sprouted, cabbage seeds are in, when it cools a bit more, I will plant spinach and beets. I have 50 pots started with garlic chives, and 25 pots with Lemon Balm. I hope to get these sprouted and in the ground before it gets too cold.
I think that's about it for now. Well, besides being a busy Mother of two and starting back to work two weeks ago. Come to think of it, I'm a little tired. :) I will get some nice pics this week to post for you all. Time to watch the Saint stomp on the Packers so I've got to head downstairs.